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Photon Tadpole Studios
Lila's World: Hotel VacationLila's World: Hotel Vacation – 尽情享受虚拟酒店假期!加入Lila和她的朋友们,开启一段前所未有的虚拟酒店假期的角色扮演体验。沉浸在阳光明媚的海滩度假胜地,尽情发挥想象力,享受无限乐趣! 角色扮演盛宴 扮演充满活力的虚拟角色Lila,参与各种角色扮演场景,创造属于你自己的海滩度假故事。可能性无限! 奢华度假体验 在虚拟酒店办理入住,探索海滨假期的奇妙之处。从优雅的大堂到舒适的客房,每一个细节都将带您进入一个轻松愉悦的世界。探索度假村,沿途发现隐藏的惊喜。 海滩乐趣 感受柔软的沙滩和拍打海浪的节奏,来到原始的海滩。沐浴在温暖的阳光下,呼吸着咸咸的海风,让海滩氛围包围
Lila's World: DaycareLila's World: Daycare – A Virtual World of Imaginative Caregiving! Dive into the captivating world of Lila's World: Daycare, where children become nurturing caregivers in a fun, interactive setting. This game blends imaginative play with the responsibilities of childcare, fostering creativity, empa
Lila's World:Create Play LearnLila's World: A vibrant pretend play experience where kids can create their own game world! Dive into Lila's summer adventure at Granny's Town! Explore the family home, from the cozy living room perfect for tea parties to the exciting kitchen brimming with culinary possibilities. Uncover hidden sec
Lila's World: Travel The WorldExplore the world from the comfort of your home with "Lila's World: Travel the Globe"! This engaging pretend play game whisks you away to iconic cities—New York, Paris, and London—inviting you to experience their unique charm and culture. Become a globetrotter and embark on an unforgettable virtual