This game, perfect for large gatherings and parties, has its roots in the 1980s. Back then, home computers were a rarity, and social gatherings were common. These gatherings often involved conversation, feasting, and general merriment. However, once the food was consumed and conversation lulled, a need for further entertainment arose. This is where the game came in.
Two decks of cards—one white, one yellow—were used. Each guest would draw a question from the white deck and then an answer from the yellow deck, reading both aloud.質問はユーモラスでばかげていて、巧妙に設計された答えがあらゆる質問に適合し、しばしば面白くて時折厄介な瞬間をもたらしました。 This game is best enjoyed amongst close friends with a good sense of humor. This app simply brings this classic game into the digital age.