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Professor Layton Series Gets Second Life After Nintendo Intervention

Oct 31,24(4 months ago)
Professor Layton Series Gets Second Life After Nintendo Intervention

Professor Layton Was Supposed to End Until Nintendo Stepped In

Professor Layton is dusting off his magnifying glass and sharpening his wits for a brand new adventure, and it’s all thanks to Nintendo. Read on to learn more about what LEVEL-5's CEO said about how the long-awaited sequel came to be.

Professor Layton’s Puzzle-Solving Adventures Isn’t Over YetIt’s All Thanks to ‘Company N’, said LEVEL-5 CEO

Professor Layton Was Supposed to End Until Nintendo Stepped In

After nearly a decade-long hiatus, Professor Layton is finally making a return, and it seems like we have a certain mustachioed gaming giant to thank. During Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2024, LEVEL-5, the studio behind the said puzzle-adventure series, revealed some behind-the-scenes decisions that led to the announcement of Professor Layton and the New World of Steam.

In a dialogue with Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii at TGS 2024, LEVEL-5 CEO Akihiro Hino revealed that while they felt that the series had reached a "beautiful" conclusion with the prequel game Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, the ever-influential "Company ‘N’"—widely interpreted as Nintendo—encouraged the studio to return to the Steampunk world of Professor Layton.

"There hasn’t been [a new title] in almost 10 years. The series concluded briefly," said Hino, according to AUTOMATON. "Certain individual(s) from the industry really wanted us to release a new game… we had a strong push coming from company ‘N’."

Professor Layton Was Supposed to End Until Nintendo Stepped In

Nintendo’s role in the game’s revival makes sense given their deep association with the franchise, which flourished on the Nintendo DS and 3DS platforms. Nintendo not only published many of the Professor Layton titles but also holds the series in high regard as one of the DS’s standout exclusive titles.

"When I heard these opinions, I started to think it would be good to make a new game so that fans could enjoy the series at the level of quality provided by the latest console," Hino said.

Professor Layton and the New World of Steam Overview

Professor Layton Was Supposed to End Until Nintendo Stepped In

Professor Layton and the New World of Steam, set a year after the events of Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, reunites the titular professor and his loyal apprentice Luke Triton in Steam Bison, a bustling American city brimming with steam-powered technology. Together, they'll embark on a new adventure to unravel a perplexing mystery, and according to the game's latest trailer, it involves Gunman King Joe, a "ghost of a gunslinger lost to the relentless march of progress."

The title will continue the series' tradition of mind-bending puzzles, this time designed with help from QuizKnock, a team known for creating innovative brain teasers. Fans are particularly excited about this partnership, especially after the previous game, Layton's Mystery Journey, which starred Layton's daughter Katrielle, received mixed reviews due to its shift in focus.

Check out our article below to learn more about Professor Layton and the New World of Steam's gameplay and story!

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