首頁 > 新聞 > 所有宣布的成就以及如何獲得他們


Feb 21,25(1天前)

Itsidian Entertainment的 Avowwed 目前正在早期進入,引起了極大的興奮。玩家正在探索生活土地,但可以通過多種方式實現勝利。本指南詳細介紹了所有 宣布的 成就以及如何解鎖它們。

Bow and arrow in Avowed as part of an article about all the achievements in the game.




**Achievement Name****Description**
A Little Power Goes a Long WayUnlock all of Giatta’s abilities.
A Test of Your ReflexesComplete Avowed on the Path of the Damned difficulty.
A Well OverflowingMaximize a single attribute.
Alpha Strike ProtocolStealth kill 15 enemies.
AvowedComplete the game on any difficulty.
Big Iron On Your HipEquip a fully upgraded weapon.
Bounty HunterComplete all bounties across all regions.
BullseyeUnlock all of Marius’ abilities.
Can’t We All Get Along?Peacefully resolve 5 potential conflicts.
Cooking By The BookCook every recipe at your Party Camp.
Dungeon SiegeExplore every dungeon in all regions.
ExplorerComplete Sanza’s map of the Living Lands.
Gotta Cache ‘Em AllLocate and open all Pargrunen Caches.
GroundedKill 10 Spiders and 10 Beetles.
HistorianCollect all volumes of the History of the Living Lands from the Eothasian Temple.
Jingle, Jangle, JingleEquip a fully upgraded armor set.
Kith LordDiscover all Party Camps throughout the Living Lands.
Luckier Than They KnowUnlock all of Kai’s abilities.
Now Riposte!Successfully parry 25 enemy attacks.
Pantheon PuristCollect and place all God Shrine Totems & Fragments.
Pants on FireTell 15 lies.
PathfinderFind all items indicated by Treasure Maps.
Peak PerformanceReach the maximum level.
PentimentComplete every side quest.
Pillars of EternityCleanse all Strangled Adra in all regions.
Play DeadSimultaneously wear Necropants and a Revenant Bell Collar.
Skeyt DiggerDemand payment for your services 5 times.
Slay!Unlock all of Yatzli’s abilities.
The Outer WorldsUnlock all Fast Travel beacons.
Tired Of Being NiceResort to violence in 10 conversations.
Training ArcComplete all companion training sessions.
We RememberComplete all Ancient Memories.


  • Avowed*還具有18個隱藏成就:

**Achievement Name****Description**
A Cistern WarningConfront your assassin in the Cistern.
A Proper IntroductionUncover the secret of Naku Tedek.
AllochoryFree Sapadal from their prison.
Dream Fungi RotationUse Aiko’s drugs with your companions.
Everyone Disliked ThatCause all companions to leave your party by siding with the Steel Garrote.
Fior ExtinguisherPrevent Fior mes Iverno's destruction by the Steel Garrote.
Get in the Statue, EnvoyContemplate death.
HawkeyeFind the hidden room in Fort Northreach.
It’ll Cost YaConfront Kostya in the Lava Tubes of Solace Keep.
ParasitoidDestroy Sapadal and absorb their power.
Retirement PlanSell your future corpse to Elia.
Reverse CardKill Captain Ngunu using their own poison.
Spectral EvidenceComplete the Trials of the Tebaru Sanakis.
That Sign Can’t Stop Me Because I Can’t ReadIgnore the warning and pull the lever in the Sand Sea Ruins.
Two Bears High-FivingPit one bear against another.
TyrannyBecome a knight of the Steel Garrote.
We’re All In This TogetherComplete all companion moments in the Garden.
You’ve Got It From HereSail to Paradis from Fort Northreach.

  • Avowed*現已在PC和Xbox上找到。
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