Feb 28,25(1周前)

解锁 模拟人生2 的秘密:全面的作弊指南
《模拟人生2传统》系列重新点燃了对这个经典模拟游戏的热情。但是,磨碎可能很乏味。本指南提供了 模拟人生2 作弊的完整列表,包括即时财富。
潜入作弊之前,您需要访问命令栏。按Ctrl + Shift + C打开它。或者,在命令栏中使用这些命令来管理作弊菜单:
Cheat | Description |
`help` | Opens the cheat menu. |
`expand` | Expands the cheat menu. |
`clear` | Clears the cheat menu. |
`exit` | Closes the cheat menu. |
Cheat | Description |
`familyFunds [LastName] [#]` | Adds the specified amount of Simoleons to a household. |
`kaching` | Adds 1,000 Simoleons to the household. |
`motherlode` | Adds 50,000 Simoleons to the household. |
Cheat | Description |
`aging [on/off]` | Enables or disables Sim aging. |
`aspirationPoints [#]` | Adds the specified number of aspiration points. |
`aspirationLevel [0-5]` | Sets a Sim's aspiration level (0-5). |
`lockAspiration [on/off]` | Locks or unlocks Sim aspirations. |
`motiveDecay [on/off]` | Enables or disables motive decay. |
`maxMotives` | Maximizes all Sim motives. |
`unlockCareerRewards` | Unlocks career rewards for the selected Sim. |
Cheat | Description |
`boolProp showCatalogueFlags [true/false]` | Shows the origin pack of items in Build/Buy Mode. |
`boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false]` | Enables/disables object snapping to the grid. |
`changeLotClassification [low/middle/high]` | Changes the lot's classification. |
`changeLotZoning [residential/community/etc.]` | Changes the lot's zoning. (See full list in original article) |
`deleteAllFences` | Deletes all fences on the lot. |
`deleteAllHalfWalls` | Deletes all half-walls on the lot. |
`deleteAllWalls` | Deletes all walls on the lot. |
`IndividualRoofSlopeAngle [15-75]` | Changes the angle of a single roof. |
`ModifyNeighborhoodTerrain [on/off]` | Enables/disables terrain modification in the neighborhood. |
`MoveObjects [on/off]` | Enables/disables moving objects freely. |
`boolProp allObjectLightsOn [true/false]` | Turns on/off lighting for all objects. |
`RoofSlopeAngle [15-27]` | Changes the angle of all roofs. |
`TerrainType [desert/temperate/dirt/concrete]` | Changes the terrain type of the map. |
Cheat | Description |
`AddNeighborToFamilyCheat [on/off]` | Adds an NPC to the household. |
`bugJarTimeDecay [on/off]` | Controls whether bugs die in jars over time. |
`boolProp carsCompact [true/false]` | Controls car detail level. |
`boolProp controlPets [on/off]` | Enables/disables pet control. |
`boolProp disablePuppyKittenAging [true/false]` | Controls aging for puppies and kittens. |
`boolProp enablePostProcessing [true/false]` | Enables/disables post-processing effects. |
`boolProp guob [true/false]` | Enables/disables shadows inside buildings. |
`boolProp petActionCancel [true/false]` | Enables/disables canceling pet actions. |
`boolProp petsFreeWill [true/false]` | Enables/disables pet free will. |
`boolProp simShadows [true/false]` | Enables/disables Sim shadows. |
`bloom [red/green/blue] [0-225]` | Adjusts bloom effects during filmmaking. |
`clearLotClassValue` | Clears the lot class value. |
`deleteAllAwnings` | Deletes all awnings on the lot. |
`deleteAllCharacters` | Deletes all Sims in a neighborhood. (Use with caution!) |
`deleteAllObjects [Stairs/Windows/Doors]` | Deletes all objects of a specified type. (Use with caution!) |
`faceBlendLimits [on/off]` | Enables/disables facial blend limits. |
`forcetwins` | Forces a pregnant Sim to have twins. |
`PlumbobToggle [on/off]` | Shows or hides the plumbob. |
`showHeadlines [on/off]` | Shows or hides headlines above Sims. |
`SlowMotion [0-8]` | Adjusts slow-motion speed during filmmaking. |
`StretchSkeleton [number]` | Changes a Sim's height. |
`Vsync [on/off]` | Enables/disables Vsync. |
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