Helldivers 2 : 갑옷 수동 티어 목록
Feb 22,25(2주 전)

Helldivers 2 Armor Passives : 포괄적 인 가이드 및 계층 목록
Helldivers 2는 갑옷을 빛, 중간 및 무거운 상태로 분류하여 이동성과 방어에 영향을 미칩니다. 그러나 실제 힘은 갑옷 패시브에 있습니다. 강력한 특전은 게임 플레이를 크게 바꾸고 있습니다. 이 안내서는 모든 패시브를 자세히 설명하고로드 아웃을 최적화하는 데 도움이되는 계층 목록을 제공합니다.
모든 갑옷 패시브와 그 효과
다음 표에는 14 개의 갑옷 패시브 (1.002.003 게임 버전)와 설명이 나와 있습니다. 바디 갑옷만이 수동을 가지고 있습니다. 헬멧과 케이프는 표준입니다.
Armor Passive | Description |
Acclimated | 50% resistance to acid, electrical, fire, and gas damage. |
Advanced Filtration | 80% resistance to gas damage. |
Democracy Protects | 50% chance to survive lethal attacks (e.g., headshots); prevents chest injuries (e.g., internal bleeding). |
Electrical Conduit | 95% resistance to lightning arc damage. |
Engineering Kit | +2 grenade capacity; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone. |
Extra Padding | +50 armor rating. |
Fortified | 50% resistance to explosive damage; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone. |
Inflammable | 75% resistance to fire damage. |
Med-Kit | +2 stim capacity; +2 seconds additional stim duration. |
Peak Physique | 100% increased melee damage; improved weapon handling (reduced weapon movement drag). |
Scout | 30% reduced enemy detection range; map markers generate radar scans. |
Servo-Assisted | 30% increased throwing range; 50% additional limb health. |
Siege-Ready | 30% increased primary weapon reload speed; 30% increased primary weapon ammo capacity. |
Unflinching | 95% reduced recoil flinching. |
갑옷 수동 티어 목록 (버전 1.002.003)
이 계층 목록은 다양한 임무 및 적의 유형에 따른 전반적인 가치, 유틸리티 및 효율성을 기반으로 패시브를 평가합니다.
Tier | Armor Passive | Why? |
**S** | Engineering Kit | Extra grenades are invaluable for diverse tasks: closing bug holes, destroying fabricators/warp ships, using Thermites, and stun-locking enemies. |
Med-Kit | Significantly improves survivability, especially when combined with the Experimental Infusion booster, effectively negating death. | |
Siege-Ready | Substantially enhances ammo capacity and reload speed, crucial for managing large enemy groups, particularly with high-ammo weapons. | |
**A** | Democracy Protects | Provides strong early-game defense, mitigating lethal damage. |
Extra Padding | Offers consistent damage resistance. | |
Fortified | Extremely useful generally, and exceptionally effective against Automatons, improving survival against explosive attacks from Devastators, Hulks, and Tanks. | |
Servo-Assisted | Highly effective against Terminids; increased throwing range allows for safe stratagem deployment and grenade use, while extra limb health mitigates claw attacks. | |
**B** | Peak Physique | Less useful as melee combat is generally avoided; reduced weapon drag is beneficial against mobile enemies but other strategies are often more effective. |
Inflammable | Ideal for fire-based builds, particularly useful against fire-vulnerable enemies and in environments with fire hazards. | |
Scout | Useful for revealing enemy positions, but could be improved by highlighting points of interest or side objectives. | |
**C** | Acclimated | Limited value as you rarely face all four elemental damage types (acid, electrical, fire, gas) simultaneously. |
Advanced Filtration | Only beneficial for gas-focused builds, and the overall impact is relatively minor. | |
Electrical Conduit | Primarily useful against the Illuminate, but other options are often preferable unless friendly fire is a major concern. | |
Unflinching | Minimal impact on combat effectiveness; reduced camera shake and recoil are barely noticeable. |
이 안내서와 계층 목록은 Helldivers 2에서 Armour Passives를 선택할 때 정보에 입각 한 결정을 내려 생존 가능성과 전투 성공을 향상시키는 데 도움이됩니다. 최적의 수동 선택은 특정 미션과 플레이 스타일에 따라 다릅니다.
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