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Feb 22,25(2週前)

Helldivers 2裝甲消極:綜合指南和層列表

Helldivers 2將裝甲分為光線,中等和重型,影響流動性和防禦能力。但是,真正的力量在於裝甲的被動 - 有效的津貼會大大改變遊戲玩法。本指南詳細介紹了所有被動措施,並提供了一個層列表,以幫助您優化負載。



Armor PassiveDescription
Acclimated50% resistance to acid, electrical, fire, and gas damage.
Advanced Filtration80% resistance to gas damage.
Democracy Protects50% chance to survive lethal attacks (e.g., headshots); prevents chest injuries (e.g., internal bleeding).
Electrical Conduit95% resistance to lightning arc damage.
Engineering Kit+2 grenade capacity; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone.
Extra Padding+50 armor rating.
Fortified50% resistance to explosive damage; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone.
Inflammable75% resistance to fire damage.
Med-Kit+2 stim capacity; +2 seconds additional stim duration.
Peak Physique100% increased melee damage; improved weapon handling (reduced weapon movement drag).
Scout30% reduced enemy detection range; map markers generate radar scans.
Servo-Assisted30% increased throwing range; 50% additional limb health.
Siege-Ready30% increased primary weapon reload speed; 30% increased primary weapon ammo capacity.
Unflinching95% reduced recoil flinching.



TierArmor PassiveWhy?
**S**Engineering KitExtra grenades are invaluable for diverse tasks: closing bug holes, destroying fabricators/warp ships, using Thermites, and stun-locking enemies.
Med-KitSignificantly improves survivability, especially when combined with the Experimental Infusion booster, effectively negating death.
Siege-ReadySubstantially enhances ammo capacity and reload speed, crucial for managing large enemy groups, particularly with high-ammo weapons.
**A**Democracy ProtectsProvides strong early-game defense, mitigating lethal damage.
Extra PaddingOffers consistent damage resistance.
FortifiedExtremely useful generally, and exceptionally effective against Automatons, improving survival against explosive attacks from Devastators, Hulks, and Tanks.
Servo-AssistedHighly effective against Terminids; increased throwing range allows for safe stratagem deployment and grenade use, while extra limb health mitigates claw attacks.
**B**Peak PhysiqueLess useful as melee combat is generally avoided; reduced weapon drag is beneficial against mobile enemies but other strategies are often more effective.
InflammableIdeal for fire-based builds, particularly useful against fire-vulnerable enemies and in environments with fire hazards.
ScoutUseful for revealing enemy positions, but could be improved by highlighting points of interest or side objectives.
**C**AcclimatedLimited value as you rarely face all four elemental damage types (acid, electrical, fire, gas) simultaneously.
Advanced FiltrationOnly beneficial for gas-focused builds, and the overall impact is relatively minor.
Electrical ConduitPrimarily useful against the Illuminate, but other options are often preferable unless friendly fire is a major concern.
UnflinchingMinimal impact on combat effectiveness; reduced camera shake and recoil are barely noticeable.


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